



Purpose of the contest

The purpose of the competition is to identify and support talented young artists and masters of decorative and applied art, develop their creative potential, to improve the skills of the participants and form a stable interest in artistic activities.


Participants of the competition can be students of art schools, colleges and higher educational institutions.


Age limits of the competition are 6-26 years old. Exceptions can also be accepted in some cases, which must discussed with the organizational committee individually.


The Jury is designated by the organizational committee and comprises the honored figures of the Czech and European culture, teachers of leaders of specialized institutions


Stage 1 – homework (brought with you, 2-3 works from 1 participant or from a group of co-authors)

Stage 2 – presentation of own works (for masters of arts and crafts) and work at the object in Prague (for artists)


The jury determines the winner by voting and grading. Winners receive a diploma indicating the prize place and special prizes from the jury. Each participant will also receive a diploma of participation in the competition.


Prague, Czech Republic


The last term of submitting the applications is 31 days before the beginning of the Contest. If there is a Shengen visa or a possibility of obtaining it in a short time, terms of submitting the application are discussed individually.

Participation fee

The participation in the competition requires payment. The payment consists obligatory payment and additional payments, that depend on participants.

Standard program – 2* hotel

Accommodation is at 2* hotel in four, six and eight bedded rooms.

Each participant must pay a fee of 350 euro (price includes: contest fee for 1 nomination, registration, contest and excursion program including entrance tickets, accommodation for 7days/6nights, 3 time daily meals (drinks are not included), bus service according to the program.

For first 300 participants hotel PLUS is provided, the price includes swimming pool and sauna for children and adults.

Other participants will be provided with a hotel of equal category, with 3-4 bedded rooms or 2+2, 2+3 or 3+3 blocks.

The price is the same for everyone. Children under the age of 2 – free of charge.

Standard program – 3* hotel

Accommodation is at 3* hotel in three or four bedded rooms.

Each participant must pay a fee of 380 euro (price includes: contest fee for 1 nomination, registration, contest and excursion program including entrance tickets, accommodation for 7days/6nights, 3 time daily meals (drinks are not included), bus service according to the program.

For first 200 participants hotel PLUS is provided, the price includes swimming pool and sauna for children and adults.

Other participants will be provided with a hotel of equal category.

The price is the same for everyone. Children under the age of 2 – free of charge.

Basic program – 2* hotel

Accommodation is at 2* hotel in four, six and eight bedded rooms.

Each participant must pay a fee of 255 euro (price includes: contest fee for 1 nomination, registration, contest and excursion program including entrance tickets, accommodation for 7days/6nights, 2 time daily meals (drinks are not included), bus service according to the program.

For first 300 participants hotel PLUS is provided, the price includes swimming pool and saun for children and adults.

Other participants will be provided with a hotel of equal category, with 3-4 bedded rooms or 2+2, 2+3 or 3+3 blocks.

The price is the same for everyone. Children under the age of 2 – free of charge.

Basic program – 3* hotel

Accommodation is at 3* hotel in three or four bedded rooms.

Each participant must pay a fee of 285 euro (price includes: contest fee for 1 nomination, registration, contest and excursion program including entrance tickets, accommodation for 7days/6nights, 2 time daily meals (drinks are not included), bus service according to the program.

For first 200 participants hotel PLUS is provided, the price includes swimming pool and saun for children and adults.

Other participants will be provided with a hotel of equal category, with 3-4 bedded rooms or 2+2, 2+3 or 3+3 blocks.

The price is the same for everyone. Children under the age of 2 – free of charge.

Shortened program – 2* hotel (this program is possible to only directly from the organizers)

Accommodation is at 2* hotel in four, six and eight bedded rooms.

Each participant must pay a fee of 190 euro (price includes: contest fee for 1 nomination, registration, contest and excursion program including entrance tickets, accommodation for 4days/5 nights, 2 time daily meals (drinks are not included), bus service according to the program.

For first 300 participants hotel PLUS is provided, the price includes swimming pool and saun for children and adults.

Other participants will be provided with a hotel of equal category, with 3-4 bedded rooms or 2+2, 2+3 or 3+3 blocks.

The price is the same for everyone. Children under the age of 2 – free of charge.

The price of additional night at the hotel 2* – 25 euro

It is possible to pay for the participation only – 45 euro per participant

Performance in additional nomination (if desired) costs: 20 euro for a soloist, 10 euro for every member of a collective.

For participants with basic program, it is possible to participate in Master Class for 25 euro per person.

It is possible to arrange additional excursions due to the price list, published on

Cancellation fee
  • In case of a cancellation of the participation before 30 and more days are not provided. –
  • In case of a cancellation of the participation before 29-15 days the cancellation fee is 15% of the cost of the program.
  • In case of a cancellation of the participation before 3-14 days the cancellation fee is 25% of the cost of the program.
  • In case of a cancellation of the participation before 1-2 days the cancellation fee is 50% of the cost of the program.
  • In case of a cancellation of the participation on the arrival day, the cancellation fee is 100% of the cost of the program.

Accommodation in 2* or 3* hotel, according to the chosen category. (included in participation fee, depending on the chosen program)

Accommodation in two or one bedded rooms is possible for an additional fee.

Meals – buffet of portions (according to hotel’s conditions)

Chek-in – 14.00. Issue of earlier check-in is discussed individually with every collective, according to the hotel’s possibilities. Feslival’s organization committee must be informed in advance about the earlier Check-in issue.

Chek-out – 10.00 Issue of later check-out is discussed individually with every collective. Price of a later Check-out is discussed with collective’s leaders, organization committee and a hotel, according to the hotel’s possibilities. Feslival’s organization committee must be informed in advance about the later Check-out issue.

Hotel deposit – 10 Euro per person. The deposit will be returned after Check-out.

There is a possibility to be accommodated in 4* hotel for additional fee of 15 euro per person per night.

Organization committee has the right of changing the hotel (according to the number of participants and hotel’s possibilities), not to the detriment of accommodation quality


According to the contest conditions, participants are provided with:

  • Standard program: 3 meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner(drinks are not included during the lunch)
  • Basic program: 2 meals a day: breakfast, dinner
  • Shortened program: 2 meals a day: breakfast, dinner

In case of a need of a change menu for the collective because of religious or other beliefs , organization committee must be informed 30 days before the start of the cpmpetition. Menu changing after collective’s arrival is impossible.


Stage 1

Each participant (collective or soloist) must hand organizational committee an application and the following documents, which will approve the will of participating in the contest:

  • signed by the leader of the collective (soloist) or departing agent this actual regulations document, accepting the conductions of the contest.
  • copy of a confirmation of pre-payment in amount of 350 euros for the collective. This prepayment will be subtracted from the whole amount and is not the additional payment.

Banking details for the payment:

Bank name Československá obchodní banka a.s.

Bank adress Arkalycká 2 , Praha 4, 149 00, CR


Account number 264575342 / 0300 EUR

IBANCZ65 0300 0000 0002 6457 5342


Application, copy of a payment request, signed Regulations document can be sent on email

Attention! Submission of the application automatically means that the team leader and all responsible persons have read and agree with the contest’s regulations.

Stage 2

As a response on the approving participation will documents, Organization Committee sends OFFICIAL INVITATION for the participation in the contest, confirmation from the hotel of the booking, confirmed participants

Stage 3

Participants prepare:

  • filled performance form (with exact indication of a nomination and competition program)
  • group’s rooming (accommodation scheme)
  • short history of the group, photo
Stage 4

The participants of the Contest are preparing the contest program that will correspond to the declared nomination. The second part of the obligatory payment at a rate of 25% from the whole amount must be paid maximum 15 days before the start of the contest.

In case of cash payment the letter of guarantee is filled in.

The number of participants that will arrive at the contest and the need for a bus transfer is being specified.

  • Brest (BY) – Prague – Brest (BY) – the cost of the transfer for a group of 16 and more persons is 100 euro per person, for a group of 12-15 persons is 125 euro per person,
  • There if a possibility of arranging transfers from Minsk, Lvov, Berlin, Wien, Dresden, Karlovy Vary and other cities. The price is negotiable.
Stage 5

Conditions of the payment of the remaining amount of participation fee are defining.

The last payment can be done as a cashless settlement, not later, then 5 days before the beginning of the Contest or on the day of arrival to the contest in cash. Payment method can be chosen by the participant.

Individual payment program is also possible, which must be discussed with the Organization Committee individually.

Stage 6

Conduction of the competition according to the contest program


Competition program

The program of the contest, listed on internet site is informative. The final program with the exact time of every excursion will be given to the collective’s leader in 1st day of arriving in Prague. Organization Committee is holding the right to change the filling of excursion days, saving the number of the excursions, according to the program.

Organization Committee should be informed about every wanted changes minimum 15 days before the beginning of the contest. Changes of the program after arriving in Prague is impossible.

Special conditions for mini-groups (1-6 persons)

Every mini-group is united with another group and therefore the program will be orientated on the other group’s program . Transfer airport/railway station – hotel – airport/railway station is payed separatly, on the basis of the price: 1-3 people – 60 euro, 4-6 people – 80 euro.

download rules and regulations